Hemodialysis machine

Hemodialysis Machine Simulator

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How works the hemodialysis machine?

  • Patient circuit: First the extrated blood of patient is transported by a sterile tube to dialysis filter through a blood pump thst stay with a similat pulse of incoming blood and it keep working by peristaltic rollers.
  • Heparin Pump: Here, after blood has passed by filter, the heparin pump inyect a anticoagulant to avoid that fitration ducts dont get obstructed.
  • Dializer filter: Here the blood is filtred by two membranes in different directions; the blood flow in one direction and te dialyzant liquid flow in opossite direction while blood is exchanged through difusion, ultrafiltration or convection.  In this tep the blood have low levels of urea and creatinine.
Note: The dializer filter  must be changed frecuently or sterilized, and it must not share with other patients.
  • Air Trap: The filtered blood is sensed by air trap that detect air burbles and can activate the alarms, indicating that the process must be finished and the blood can't return to patient.
  • Flowmeter: This dispositve is sensing all time changes in normal pressure of blood, indicating troubles in process, or dangerous venous pressure that can harm patient.
  • Dialyzing liquid circuit: In this part, the system agree garantized traeted water  with acid concentrates and HCO3 (according to medical inscription) in the dialyzing liquid.
  • Dyalisis Fluid Removed: When dyalizin liquid is mixed, if pH indicator was activated (it change to green color), the dyalizing liquid is send to drainage or recipient with dyalisis fluid removed, where valves (indicating that the process is good when it change to orange color) controlling that the mix is not contamined or it have not air burbles. 
  • Heater: In this stage the system warm the filtered blood to be retunred to patient, and is controlled by temperature sensor tnat measure the actual temperature of blood and indicate when is necessary stop the warming process.

Maintenance and Cleaning

Generalities Preventive Maintenance

This machine must be cleaned and desinfected once a day when it's used and it must be rinsed according to protocol.
When machine is not used during 48 hours, it must be desinfected previous to be used or save on storage.

Too this machine must be desinfected if there is evidence of blood leakage on dializer filter before  using.

Every 4000 hours (máx) or when is necessary must be changed the next component or must be realized:
-Replace connectors of dialyzed liquid.
-Replace security valves.
-Replace Ultrafiltred, air and hydraulic filters.
-Replace components of peristaltic pump and calibrate the machine.
-Clean pH sensor and calibrate.
-Replace dialized filter when

Sterilizant or Disinfectant Procedures are divided in four types:
-Hot disinfection: During 18-40 minutes with hot water > 80°C.
-Citric by Heat: Hot water > 80°C during 28 or 43 minutes.
-Chemical: Period of 15-30 minutes  or 28-43 minutes.
-By Washing: Is necesary after chemical disinfection, the washing time is comprended between 5-50 minutes or 19-50 minutes.

Cleaning Programs 

Cleaning of armband of arterial tension
After every treatment
Remove the plastic air bag of Dacron armband.  Disinfectant with soak solution, rinse deeply and clean according fabric and hand washing.  Do not expose to 132°C.
Supply water maintenance
Verify that water deliver with AAMI standards of hemodialysis water.
Verify bacterial quality and follow instructions to operation and storage of inverse osmosis and pretreatment water equipment.
When supply water system is disinfected, the machine must be rinsed.                                                      
According to protocol
Rinse the hydraulic system with water and remove residual disinfectant.
Cleaning of external surface
After every treatment
Use a cloth and disinfectant cleaner.
Remove the bloodlines and the protectors of transducer under guides of the wastes of biological risk.
Disinfect other parts with possible contamination and replace the protectors of transducer.
Cleaning by acid
Rinse the machine with white distillates vinegar, 5% acid acetic or 5% acid citric during 10-60 minutes to evite that bicarbonate wastes precipice on the hydraulic system after treatment.
Hot Cleaning
Disinfect the hydraulic system with hot water (80°C) when machine  is used in treatment.
Chemical Rinse
Disinfect the hydraulic system when previously the system was disinfectant with corrosives chemicals, using a chemical disinfectant whit a water rinse cleaning the system of wastes of disinfectants.
According to protocol
Disinfect the hydraulic system with a not corrosive chemical and not require rinse with hot water immediately.

Generalities Corrective Maintenance

-Calibrate pressure input water and hydraulic system.
-Calibrate conductivity and temperature.
-Verify operation of pressure sensors.
-Verify operation of alarms.
-Calibrate and verify operation of blood pump, burbles detectors and hemoglobine.
-Verify operation and functions of ultrafilt´ration and BPM.
-Replace accesories and components if it apply..

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